10th International Summer School and
Symposium on Humour and Laughter
University of Zurich
July 5 - 10, 2010
Course Director & Local Organiser:
Professor Willibald Ruch
General Website for
International Summer School and
Symposium on Humour and Laughter
The Association for Applied and Therapeutic Humor.
(AATH members qualify for a fee discount at the Summer School.)
This Summer School is endorsed by the International Society for
Humor Studies (ISHS).
(ISHS members qualify for a fee discount at the Summer School.)
This Summer School is possible through support from:
The 10th jubilee
This is the jubilee summer school. When we started the summer school in 2001 in Belfast we did not know whether people will be interested in coming and how many. It turned out to be a success. For a report on the 1st summer school 2001 at Queens University belfat see here.
The 1st summer school received considerable attention by the local and national media. International coverage was provided by a documentary produced by Annemieke Smit from VPRO-television, a public television channel. She and her Dutch TV crew filmed the school's progress and produced a science (Voor de graap) show on humor and laughter. The report was broadcasted on September 6th as part of their weekly science program, called Northern Lights. (smallband, broadband, 23 mins).
Nine more summer schools were held in different European countries. The present summer school will celebrate the 10th successful anniversary. |